Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Baby Wipes

Wipes are scarce in our house because Harry is basically potty trained so we really only use them for cleaning faces and hands. But I always run out when a) it's midnight b) we have absolutely no money to go buy more. So I found these items in my house and got to workin'! I figure this cost me one roll of paper towels ($2?) and I'll get 3 things of wipes out of it.

1 roll paper towel
2 1/2 c hot water
2 T baby wash
2 T baby oil
Mix the wash and oil into the water.

But the paper towel roll. I cut mine in 1/3 because my container was small and it will get me more wipes out of that roll. I just used a knife, but it was a pain and quite messy. If you have another way - let me know! Maybe an electric knife? Take out the center of the roll and put the whole roll into a round plastic container and pull out a wipe from the center.

Pour the water mixture down into the bowl with the towels. Yes - all of it.

Yeah for homemade wipes! They smell really good too!


  1. and BTW - I am going to have to try this. we use wipes for everything!!!

  2. lol the combine for a moment - then they stay together when you pour. Just do it!!

  3. Miranda, I use the same liquid recipe, but I made a bunch of wipes out of flannel! I just cut flannel into rectangles, serged around the edges, and popped them into an old wipes container. After I use them I just throw them in the laundry!
