Friday, March 11, 2011

Fruit Snacks

In an effort to cut down on the sugar intake at home, I decided to try making fruit snacks. According to Harry, Fruit snacks are their own food group and the most important. I was hoping this would save me some money - but it doesn't. However, you can make any flavor you want (Jeff requested lime), colors for a birthday party and you could most likely layer the flavors for some stripey looking fruit snacks like...strawberry banana..mmmm.....

These do not taste as good as store bought, but they also don't have all the extra stuff that you just don't need. It really is nice to know that I can make these if I don't want to go to the store and I can make them sugar free :)

1 3-oz package of your choice flavored jello
2 packs unflavored gelatin (each box at the store comes with 4 packs)
1/3 c water

Whisk it together in a small pot over medium heat until the jello and gelatin have completely dissolved.

You might find another way to do this, but my brilliant hubby Jeff grabbed our massive turkey flavor injector and I used it :) It worked great! Definitely easiest.

A flexible candy mold is probably easier than a small ice cube tray. Use cornstarch to lightly cover the hole thingies so you can get them out a little easier. You can also fill a cookie sheet with cornstarch and poke holes in the starch with the end of a wooden spoon and use it as a mold. This method is quite messy. Not that I've ever tried it or placed it on the toaster and had it fall to the floor and make a horrible mess that I'm still trying to clean up....
I used a toothpick to get them out and it was a pain - but the only way I could think of. And that's how I roll.

They really are yummy and make for a great snack that won't make your kids all hyper and also helps me quench that need for sugar.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Worm Pillow

We call these worm pillows because..well...they look like worms! I made a couple of them. Then it turned into a gazillion of them! I made the first one for our family Christmas party out of red material and John Deere Christmas fabric. Hot, right? But it was such a huge hit (whether they were just being nice or actually liked it...thats a different story) But I ended up making one for everyone in my family plus a few for my friends. They're super easy and super cheap. I think it cost me about $3 for each pillow. But the labor was a different story - if you're counting the 2 "helpers" I had...

Menu Board

Of course the pictures are backwards and sideways! Its obviously been too long since last I did some bloggery.

Here is my take on a menu board :)

Here is the finished product. I like it! Its not super duper nice or exciting, but for now, on my budget (free!) it will do.

I used a permanent marker to write on the fabric. I had some extra space at the bottom so I added a little food quote.

I cut the fabric to a little larger than the cardboard and taped it securely around the edges.

I found this old frame that couldn't really be used for pictures (really, really bad shape!) so I decided to use it anyway :) The glass/plastic is perfect for writing and wiping. Now let's see if we put this puppy to use!

Frame Holder

My mom is an incredibly difficult person to buy for. Not because she is stingy, greedy or ungrateful, but because she would absolutely, sincerely love anything she is given. Oh - and she won't ever say what she wants. Punk. Since we made an agreement to make our Christmas gifts this year, it was even more difficult.

1 week before Christmas, I finally thought of something! I was using the same changing table for my boys that my mom used for us girls. It was so old and useless that it was pretty much only good for the garbage. But once again - I couldn't part with it. Can you say "Pack Rat"? I thought, hey, I could hang frames from it and put pictures of us girls with our families! Sentimental, tender, precious, etc.

(I'll be making another for myself, so I'll put pics up as I make it.) I sawed off the back top of the table, smoothed the edges and spray painted it. We found gorgeous knobs and spaced them out evenly on the wood (upside down so it looked cool). I got some frames on sale at Joann's and glued ribbon onto the backs so they could hang from the 3 knobs. I am really happy with how it turned out!

Wreath Frame

We have a gazillion old windows. We replaced all of the 80 year old windows a couple years ago and I couldn't quite bring myself to part with them. I knew I would use them!

I made this frame for my little sister for Christmas. I sanded and stained the frame, bought a wreath from the craft store and hung it with some extra fabric I had. The great thing about it is that you can change the fabric to match your room. I am wanting to make a bunch more in different colors too.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Homemade Christmas

I know these posts come late - but I couldn't post these pictures before Christmas. Maybe they will help you with some ideas for next year! They'll be coming soon :)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Re-fashioned Shirt

I can't believe I never thought about doing this! I have all these shirts I was just getting ready to take to DI because I don't wear them. I've had the brown t-shirt FOREVER and the green shirt was $2 at Old Navy last year. The blue material is leftover scraps from the boy's Halloween costume.

I don't own a sewing machine (right now) so I had to hand sew everything! I cut out the leaves - 2 layers - and sewed around the edges. Then I sewed down the middle and pulled it just a bit before tying it off so it ruffled a little bit. I sewed (by hand again) the leaves onto my shirt in a little pattern. I just remembered that I had the undershirt thingy that matched the blues! I was pretty happy. I think the shirt needed it.

So this is what I wore out with the hubby to dinner tonight. I like it. I think. What do you think? Too much?